Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Mothership Has Landed

I love Led Zeppelin. That is the end all be all of music. John Bonham was my first musical crush with his crazy-assed drumming. Aggressive, powerful and crazy. Love the chink, chink, clinks, crash, smash and then the boom bangs. Yeah, as you can tell I have wicked mad music skills.

I've been playing their new release almost non-stop since buying the beautiful disk set. I am still holding out hope that I will get to see them play in December. I don't have tickets, lodging, airfare or a passport. I knew I should have become BFF with Pat Smear 12 years ago when I saw the Foo Fighters in that dingy nasty club. He could have gotten me passes. le sigh.

Jason is taking over his dad's spot behind the kit (cause dead men don't drum) and that is just awesome to me. How many people can say that their child respected and loved you so much that they followed in your footsteps? How many children actually know what their parents do? I want to live such a passionate life that my young ones will be drawn to what I do. Wow, Mom, is so excited and in love with what she does. I want to have that intensity in my life.

20 years from now my sweet little sugar dumps will be crossing their fingers and lighting candles in hopes that they will see the greatest rock band of all. And according to them that band would be Tenacious D.

Moby Dick

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