Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I really like this blog

girlies today

Lou debut the Penis Song when a friend dropped by. About an hour after said friend left.

"Mom, here's my song dedicated to the penis.

Penis. Penis. Penispenispe-eeenis. Vulva. Vulva. Vulvavulvavu-ulva. Crack. Crack. Everybody has a buttcrack."

Penelope - brought her Radio Flyer sit down scooter into the house yesterday. Was looking for scooter today.

"Where my cooter? I ride my cooter, syes?"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 7

So so jealous. I tried getting people to fund my Led Zeppelin at the O2 Arena November of last year. No one was down with that cause. And here they are again, well half, playing with some scruffy, smelly looking "where the hell did I put my bowl it must be under all these Coors cans and Funyun bags and, oh shit! last night we put a whole egg up K's girlfriend's vagina and she had to go to the ER to get it removed, man we were so fecking wasted, then we rocked out to KISS, passed out and Mom made us breakfast in the morning"* kind of guys.

If only Pat Smear and I would have become BFF in '95 I would have been there!! Pat, if you read this, call me!

*true story.

Monday, June 9, 2008

christmas music

Mom, is this a Christmas song?


Yeah, yeah it is. He says "Under the mistletoe is where I give my love."

He can be a royal pain but I love that sweet boy.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

boychik sez. . .

Dad, can black people sense the future?


Well, R is black and he can sense the future. He says the future is in trouble.

R isn't black.

Then what is he?

A person.

Oh, well, he can still sense the future.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My baby is 2!!

Happy Birthday Penelope! No recent pictures - third child-itis.

She's passed out on the couch wearing a girlie skeleton shirt, sans pants, with pen marks all over her legs. A sleeping angel. If you look closely you can see her horns peeking through her hair. Kinda look like mine. :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

one time

before we had boychik, maybe i was pregnant at the time, the mister and i were at the library. we were on the same aisle and i let out this huge loud-ass fart. "Man, dh go to the bathroom to do that!" and i'm laugh laugh laughing without making a sound. i looked like "Crazy Woman" in a silent feature film.

the mister was mad because other people heard and thought that was him.

and i wonder why my littles get such a kick out of passing gas in public and proclaiming loudly, "Mom has stinky farts!". they are their mother's children.

rip maisy

we had to put the dog down today. we got her in january(?) and she has been sick the whole time.

she was 3 and lived a crappy life. her original owners had her chained to a tree because she kept chasing cars. when her rescuer found her she was bad off but he nursed her back to health. he had her for a couple months and then we adopted her.

poor mate.