Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Great Sippy Cup Mystery

Where are all the bleepin' sippy cups? We buy them and then they go and disappear on us. Those darn things need a lo-jack or chip implantation.

All the scary leeching plastic stories has left me seriously considering buying Kleen Kanteen. But almost $20 a bottle? And our cups go AWOL all the time? I'm not sure we are ready for KK responsibility.

1 comment:

earthmama said...

i can tell you ours were always under the couch (where i couldn't see them if i was actually LOOKING under it....very tricky) or under a car seat in the van. both situations, the cup would reveal itself once whatever was in it was no longer recognizable and smelled horribly like some bodily fluid of some kind or another... good luck to you on your quest, mama...