Sunday, December 30, 2007
wheeng, wheeng, wheeng
How P says swing.
We have a swing set! For free! Not what we were looking for - but you can't beat free. The littles adore the set and will work as an interim set.
It's one of those old school sets I had as a kid. If you swing high enough the legs pop up. Isaac's already done that.
Looks like this with added slide on the see-saw end.
Universe if you are still out there - how about a kick-ass wood play set. Something along this line.
We have a swing set! For free! Not what we were looking for - but you can't beat free. The littles adore the set and will work as an interim set.
It's one of those old school sets I had as a kid. If you swing high enough the legs pop up. Isaac's already done that.
Looks like this with added slide on the see-saw end.
Universe if you are still out there - how about a kick-ass wood play set. Something along this line.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
on the look out for a Play structure
Know of a good deal?
Saw this MASSIVE playset on Craigslist. How in the world would we transport?
We are looking at the Home Depot kits. But my faith that the mister will get it up (heh!) is not very strong. I can imagine a half play structure sitting in the backyard.
For the 2 people who sometimes read this blog if you have any leads please pass them on. An inexpensive play set that the littles will lurve is what we are looking for. And if it's already built? bonus.
From my mouth, er, fingers, to God's ears (eyes?).
Saw this MASSIVE playset on Craigslist. How in the world would we transport?
We are looking at the Home Depot kits. But my faith that the mister will get it up (heh!) is not very strong. I can imagine a half play structure sitting in the backyard.
For the 2 people who sometimes read this blog if you have any leads please pass them on. An inexpensive play set that the littles will lurve is what we are looking for. And if it's already built? bonus.
From my mouth, er, fingers, to God's ears (eyes?).
Our neighbor gave the girls a hair care set each - see thru zipper bag with a comb, mirror, ponytail holders and a brush.
Tallulah opened Penelope's and put all the ponies on her person: feet, wrists, hair. She was showing off and said she put a beeper in her pants. What's that?
"It's this flower button (a pony that had a flower bead at the end) see. When I push the button a flower comes out. :beep beep: Here Mommy. A flower for you. And don't worry about putting it in water. This flower is special and doesn't need water - it's magical.
Tallulah opened Penelope's and put all the ponies on her person: feet, wrists, hair. She was showing off and said she put a beeper in her pants. What's that?
"It's this flower button (a pony that had a flower bead at the end) see. When I push the button a flower comes out. :beep beep: Here Mommy. A flower for you. And don't worry about putting it in water. This flower is special and doesn't need water - it's magical.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
going to hell. . .
I love LOL cats. They make me laugh and laugh. They know have a LOL Cat Bible translation!! zomg!
The Birth of Christ
Matthew 1
I love LOL cats. They make me laugh and laugh. They know have a LOL Cat Bible translation!! zomg!
The Birth of Christ
Matthew 1
18 Now, teh burth of teh Christ was liek dis: After Marry and Joseph waz all "We's gonna get marrieded, kthnx", but before dey could had hankiez pankiez Mary was all pr3ggerz from Teh Forse.19 Joseph was liek "I has virjn - NOOOO dey be stealin my virjn! Must hied hur".20 But when he was tihnkin, zomg, a WallCat frm Ceiling Cat was liek, "Oh hai! I'm in ur dreemz, givin u messij. Don't be scairdy cat. Take Mary as ur wife - is virjn. But teh Forse is strong in tihs wun, lol! HoverCat is on hur, givn hur feetus, srsly.21 "And she gonna made a son, and you gonna call him Jeezus, cuz he save kittehs frum bein bad kittehs. Kthxbye."22 So all dis was all did cuz Ceiling Cat had sed it wud be. His proffet was all liek:23 "Hay guise, look! teh virjn iz all preggers, and dey gonna call him Immanuel", dat be joospeek for "Ceiling Cat wit us"24 Then Joseph waked up, done wat teh angel frm Ceiling Cat tolded him to, and was all liek "U wit me now lol" at Mary.25 And dey didnt has teh HARBL GOES WHERE!?!? til affer dey gets a son and calleded him Jeezus. Ktnx.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
sensory issues
I have seen this post by WuWei several times on MDC and I always think. "What wonderful advice!" And then I forget where she posted this. Here's a copy.
"choo-choo train" is when he lies on the bed and I "row" his feet like
a bicycle and we chuga-chuga-choo-choo (he does the train whistle
sound) and we repeat that over and over for about 5 minutes. The
engagement, physical motion and my participatory resistance/driving of
his legs back and forth provides a lot of sensory input in a
non-impact way.
Another is "pillow mash"-again he lies on the bed and I place a pillow
on top of his chest and firmly "aggitate" the pillow in a jiggling
motion and say "pillow mash, pillow mash", repeatedly. This provides
input to his chest.
And another one is "salt shaker", again he lies on the bed, and I hold
both legs up and "shake salt" out of him. He is sorta upside down
(legs up in the air, body on the bed), which gives input of vibrating
his head and back on the firm mattress.
Another is "burrito"-where he is wrapped tightly in a blanket and
rolled side to side repeatedly.
Another is "sack of potatoes" when he climbs in a pillow case and I
lift him up and down from the floor.
We also do "row-row-row-your boat" where we both lie on the trampoline
with full body contact and roll across the surface back and forth,
singing row-row-row-your boat. The total body compression is very
calming for him.
We have his bed mattress and box springs on the floor. So, he'll go up
to his room and bounce and jump for sensory input too.
Oh, also he loves to stand in place and jump up to reach my hands
above his head. This is helpful when waiting in line, where he is
restless, but needs contained activity. It creates jumping, reaching
and a goal/game aspect.
Another is where I hold my hands together palm to palm and move them
up and down and he tries to clap them with his hands. Again, this is
great for when out and about and he has too much energy for the space
limitations. A variant of this is where he tries to "give five" while
I pull my hands back quickly. These can be used to constructively
engage other people in the "game" also, which might free you up for
short periods.
He also loves to play in the sink with LOTS of soap, that seems to be
very soothing to him (but messy). Some kids really seek multiple baths
a day and having that planned before and/or mid-visit may allow a
connecting time with you; and a recentering activity, enough to make
it a longer night.
So, if we are going to have a lot of sensory stimuli like a cacophony
of sounds from a crowded party, we proactively do these games for 15
minutes several times throughout the day. It helps if we are very
careful to avoid dairy, HFCS and artificial colors which decrease his
ability to hear and consider other's needs. We try to plan activities
for earlier in the day, plan some outside play time, especially
swinging. Big tight, long hugs help in the midst of chaos to recenter.
We also freely use Rescue Remedy (and/or Cherry Plum) Bach flower
remedies before (and during) high stress situations.
I ran across this other comprehensive list of ideas for sensory
It probably helps to practice some of these games so that they are
fun, known and can be anticipated. Perhaps, make a list, or place a
name of each game on a piece of paper and have her choose one from a
jar to play with you or others.
I have another list of activities that I'll send. Most of these can be done indoors, or improvised like with a pile of couch cushions, pillows; blankets over a table to make a tent to provide for crawling. All of these provide for deep pressure body contact and that could help. Also, "obstacle courses": climbing over the couch, run back and forth, bounce on the bed (our mattress is on the floor, etc.). Any chance you have space for a JumpOLene?
Here are some more:
Sensory Activities
Here is a another list of various sensory activities that child(ren)
may enjoy and benefit from. I am copying this from
ShineWithUnschooling. I find that proactively offering and engaging
our son with some of these sensory inputs really helps when we
have/had a busy day. If we have too much unfamiliar stimuli, he needs
a break to recenter with some of these soothing activities. Or
Experiences that may help to relax the nervous system
* Stretches
* Deep pressure massage
* Slow rocking or swinging
* Fidget toys
* Progressive muscle relaxation
* Quite music with a steady beat
* Bear hugs
* Reduced noise and light levels
* Lavender, vanilla or other soothing smells
* Snuggling in a sleeping bag, large pillows or bean bag chair
Experiences that can help an individual become focused and attentive
*Sucking or chewing on hard candy or gum
* Adding rhythm to the activity
* Vibration-toy massager, vibrating pillow, wiggle pen
* 'Heavy work' tasks to include hanging, pushing, pulling or carrying
heavy objects
To organize
*Swinging on a swing or climbing
* Rhythmical sustained movement: marching, washing a table, or bouncing
* Rocking in a rocking chair
* "Squeezie" toys (koosh balls, balloons or rubber gloves filled with
flour or cream, soft balls, gak, silly putty)
* Hanging by the arms on the monkey bars (20-30 seconds)
* Pushing/carrying heavy objects
* Carrying back packs weighted with books or bags of dried beans (this
should only be worn for 15-20 minutes with an hour or two between)
*A reading corner with a bean bag chair makes a wonderful place for
escape when there is too much stimulation. Some children may like the
bean bag on top of them.
* Play dough
* Tactile Bins (cornmeal, oatmeal, water, sand, rice, beans)
** A bin full of bird seed (brought outside) is merrily cleaned up by
the birdies -- no mess! :')
* Kitchen time (mixing, tasting, smelling, washing up)
* Finger painting
Some children also need extra sensory input in their mouths and hands
in order to organize their behavior:
* Drinking from a water bottle
* Chewing (you can use a straw, rubber tubing or coffee stir stick)
* Being brushed with a corn de-silking brush (in one direction
approximately 10 times with pressure brush their arms, back (but not
over the spine), legs (on the top, outer parts and underneath, avoid
the inner thigh area), top of the feet and the hands)
* Sucking on hard candy, frozen fruit bar, or spoonful of peanut
butter or marshmallow fluff
* Licorice tug-of-war, blow pin wheels or various types of blow toys,
bubbles and whistles
* Pushing against walls with the hands, shoulders, back, buttocks and head
* Cuddling or back rubbing
* Taking a bath
* Being rolled tightly like a hot dog in a blanket
* Being squished under a therapy ball, mat or couch cushion
* Tug-of-war
* Wheelbarrow walking, jumping games like hop scotch
* Crashing games-run and dive into boxes, bean bags and couch cushions
* Pulling a wagon, carrying a heavy book bag, digging in the yard or
carrying groceries
* Sports such as wrestling and football
* Deep pressure (giving a massage) and joint compressions (holding
above one joint and under one joint then doing a quick 10 repetitions
of compressions, pushing and pulling)
* A mini trampoline
* A sockem bopper or whatever they call those weighted kid-sized
things that spring back up after you knock them down
Oh, and going outside to blow bubbles is my cure-all. I always have
bubbles in the car for "emergencies" too.
"choo-choo train" is when he lies on the bed and I "row" his feet like
a bicycle and we chuga-chuga-choo-choo (he does the train whistle
sound) and we repeat that over and over for about 5 minutes. The
engagement, physical motion and my participatory resistance/driving of
his legs back and forth provides a lot of sensory input in a
non-impact way.
Another is "pillow mash"-again he lies on the bed and I place a pillow
on top of his chest and firmly "aggitate" the pillow in a jiggling
motion and say "pillow mash, pillow mash", repeatedly. This provides
input to his chest.
And another one is "salt shaker", again he lies on the bed, and I hold
both legs up and "shake salt" out of him. He is sorta upside down
(legs up in the air, body on the bed), which gives input of vibrating
his head and back on the firm mattress.
Another is "burrito"-where he is wrapped tightly in a blanket and
rolled side to side repeatedly.
Another is "sack of potatoes" when he climbs in a pillow case and I
lift him up and down from the floor.
We also do "row-row-row-your boat" where we both lie on the trampoline
with full body contact and roll across the surface back and forth,
singing row-row-row-your boat. The total body compression is very
calming for him.
We have his bed mattress and box springs on the floor. So, he'll go up
to his room and bounce and jump for sensory input too.
Oh, also he loves to stand in place and jump up to reach my hands
above his head. This is helpful when waiting in line, where he is
restless, but needs contained activity. It creates jumping, reaching
and a goal/game aspect.
Another is where I hold my hands together palm to palm and move them
up and down and he tries to clap them with his hands. Again, this is
great for when out and about and he has too much energy for the space
limitations. A variant of this is where he tries to "give five" while
I pull my hands back quickly. These can be used to constructively
engage other people in the "game" also, which might free you up for
short periods.
He also loves to play in the sink with LOTS of soap, that seems to be
very soothing to him (but messy). Some kids really seek multiple baths
a day and having that planned before and/or mid-visit may allow a
connecting time with you; and a recentering activity, enough to make
it a longer night.
So, if we are going to have a lot of sensory stimuli like a cacophony
of sounds from a crowded party, we proactively do these games for 15
minutes several times throughout the day. It helps if we are very
careful to avoid dairy, HFCS and artificial colors which decrease his
ability to hear and consider other's needs. We try to plan activities
for earlier in the day, plan some outside play time, especially
swinging. Big tight, long hugs help in the midst of chaos to recenter.
We also freely use Rescue Remedy (and/or Cherry Plum) Bach flower
remedies before (and during) high stress situations.
I ran across this other comprehensive list of ideas for sensory
It probably helps to practice some of these games so that they are
fun, known and can be anticipated. Perhaps, make a list, or place a
name of each game on a piece of paper and have her choose one from a
jar to play with you or others.
I have another list of activities that I'll send. Most of these can be done indoors, or improvised like with a pile of couch cushions, pillows; blankets over a table to make a tent to provide for crawling. All of these provide for deep pressure body contact and that could help. Also, "obstacle courses": climbing over the couch, run back and forth, bounce on the bed (our mattress is on the floor, etc.). Any chance you have space for a JumpOLene?
Here are some more:
Sensory Activities
Here is a another list of various sensory activities that child(ren)
may enjoy and benefit from. I am copying this from
ShineWithUnschooling. I find that proactively offering and engaging
our son with some of these sensory inputs really helps when we
have/had a busy day. If we have too much unfamiliar stimuli, he needs
a break to recenter with some of these soothing activities. Or
Experiences that may help to relax the nervous system
* Stretches
* Deep pressure massage
* Slow rocking or swinging
* Fidget toys
* Progressive muscle relaxation
* Quite music with a steady beat
* Bear hugs
* Reduced noise and light levels
* Lavender, vanilla or other soothing smells
* Snuggling in a sleeping bag, large pillows or bean bag chair
Experiences that can help an individual become focused and attentive
*Sucking or chewing on hard candy or gum
* Adding rhythm to the activity
* Vibration-toy massager, vibrating pillow, wiggle pen
* 'Heavy work' tasks to include hanging, pushing, pulling or carrying
heavy objects
To organize
*Swinging on a swing or climbing
* Rhythmical sustained movement: marching, washing a table, or bouncing
* Rocking in a rocking chair
* "Squeezie" toys (koosh balls, balloons or rubber gloves filled with
flour or cream, soft balls, gak, silly putty)
* Hanging by the arms on the monkey bars (20-30 seconds)
* Pushing/carrying heavy objects
* Carrying back packs weighted with books or bags of dried beans (this
should only be worn for 15-20 minutes with an hour or two between)
*A reading corner with a bean bag chair makes a wonderful place for
escape when there is too much stimulation. Some children may like the
bean bag on top of them.
* Play dough
* Tactile Bins (cornmeal, oatmeal, water, sand, rice, beans)
** A bin full of bird seed (brought outside) is merrily cleaned up by
the birdies -- no mess! :')
* Kitchen time (mixing, tasting, smelling, washing up)
* Finger painting
Some children also need extra sensory input in their mouths and hands
in order to organize their behavior:
* Drinking from a water bottle
* Chewing (you can use a straw, rubber tubing or coffee stir stick)
* Being brushed with a corn de-silking brush (in one direction
approximately 10 times with pressure brush their arms, back (but not
over the spine), legs (on the top, outer parts and underneath, avoid
the inner thigh area), top of the feet and the hands)
* Sucking on hard candy, frozen fruit bar, or spoonful of peanut
butter or marshmallow fluff
* Licorice tug-of-war, blow pin wheels or various types of blow toys,
bubbles and whistles
* Pushing against walls with the hands, shoulders, back, buttocks and head
* Cuddling or back rubbing
* Taking a bath
* Being rolled tightly like a hot dog in a blanket
* Being squished under a therapy ball, mat or couch cushion
* Tug-of-war
* Wheelbarrow walking, jumping games like hop scotch
* Crashing games-run and dive into boxes, bean bags and couch cushions
* Pulling a wagon, carrying a heavy book bag, digging in the yard or
carrying groceries
* Sports such as wrestling and football
* Deep pressure (giving a massage) and joint compressions (holding
above one joint and under one joint then doing a quick 10 repetitions
of compressions, pushing and pulling)
* A mini trampoline
* A sockem bopper or whatever they call those weighted kid-sized
things that spring back up after you knock them down
Oh, and going outside to blow bubbles is my cure-all. I always have
bubbles in the car for "emergencies" too.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
pants on fire
Add Isaac to the list of lying kleptos.
Tonight was store night at AWANAS where the kids spend their shares that they earned throughout the year. My darling boychik tried to spend a stack of shares that weren't his. The other kid's mom put the kid's name on the shares which was the only reason Isaac was caught out.
Anyway, Isaac's teacher asked Isaac if he thought that was stealing. "No." He didn't spend the other boy's shares. Teacher told me this when I picked up Isaac.
I told Isaac when we got home that his teacher told me what had happened and if there was anything he wanted to tell me.
"I don't think it was very nice what you did."
"But I was just holding them for him."
"Your teacher said you were trying to spend them. That doesn't sound like you were just holding them."
". . ."
"Isaac how would you feel if someone took your shares?"
". . ."
"Don't you think you would be sad if you lost your shares that you worked so hard for and someone was spending them for himself?"
abort abort!
The teacher said that this is the age where this sort of thing happens and they are trying to test boundaries.
On the one hand I can kinda see where Isaac was coming from - "Woo-wee lookee! I found some shares!" I remember going to a waterpark when I was a young teen with 2 neighbor friends and I found a $100 bill on the walkway toward the entrance. Hot dog I was in heaven! And the thought NEVER crossed my mind to ask if anyone lost some money. And yeah we spent the money.
And you could see that wall come up when I started talking. He knew he made a poor choice but it looked like he was trying to protect himself. He has a performance = love mentality going. I hate that.
I really wanted to say, "Okay, well, I'll take the rest of your shares and give them away since you don't care about them. neener neener" Instead I told him I loved him.
If he is true to form then he will bring this up again in acouple of days, we'll talk about it and hopefully a lesson will be learned. :cross fingers: that it's not, "Don't be so stupid to claim someone elses stuff as my own when THEIR NAME is written on there! Be more devious!!"
Tonight was store night at AWANAS where the kids spend their shares that they earned throughout the year. My darling boychik tried to spend a stack of shares that weren't his. The other kid's mom put the kid's name on the shares which was the only reason Isaac was caught out.
Anyway, Isaac's teacher asked Isaac if he thought that was stealing. "No." He didn't spend the other boy's shares. Teacher told me this when I picked up Isaac.
I told Isaac when we got home that his teacher told me what had happened and if there was anything he wanted to tell me.
"I don't think it was very nice what you did."
"But I was just holding them for him."
"Your teacher said you were trying to spend them. That doesn't sound like you were just holding them."
". . ."
"Isaac how would you feel if someone took your shares?"
". . ."
"Don't you think you would be sad if you lost your shares that you worked so hard for and someone was spending them for himself?"
abort abort!
The teacher said that this is the age where this sort of thing happens and they are trying to test boundaries.
On the one hand I can kinda see where Isaac was coming from - "Woo-wee lookee! I found some shares!" I remember going to a waterpark when I was a young teen with 2 neighbor friends and I found a $100 bill on the walkway toward the entrance. Hot dog I was in heaven! And the thought NEVER crossed my mind to ask if anyone lost some money. And yeah we spent the money.
And you could see that wall come up when I started talking. He knew he made a poor choice but it looked like he was trying to protect himself. He has a performance = love mentality going. I hate that.
I really wanted to say, "Okay, well, I'll take the rest of your shares and give them away since you don't care about them. neener neener" Instead I told him I loved him.
If he is true to form then he will bring this up again in acouple of days, we'll talk about it and hopefully a lesson will be learned. :cross fingers: that it's not, "Don't be so stupid to claim someone elses stuff as my own when THEIR NAME is written on there! Be more devious!!"
Sunday, December 16, 2007
this is so funny. penelope is 18 months and prefers to be naked. which is okay around the house and she tells us when she needs to go potty. all is good.
yesterday the mister and i were laying in bed. he was laying face down on his pillow and penelope was walking back and forth between my head and the mister's head while holding onto the headboard.
She stood on top of the mister's head (who is laing face down) lifted up one leg, said "pee" and started peeing.
i would have peed myself laughing if i wasn't so consistant with my kegals.
"pee. daddy." laugh laugh.
it was no accident. and i am still lauging.
yesterday the mister and i were laying in bed. he was laying face down on his pillow and penelope was walking back and forth between my head and the mister's head while holding onto the headboard.
She stood on top of the mister's head (who is laing face down) lifted up one leg, said "pee" and started peeing.
i would have peed myself laughing if i wasn't so consistant with my kegals.
"pee. daddy." laugh laugh.
it was no accident. and i am still lauging.
who is your god?
the kids made gingerbread houses with grandma yesterday. the mister told tallulah today to eat 'one last bite' for today.
"No. God says I can do whatever I want."
"I don't know what god you are listening to but that's wrong."
"yuh-huh! My god is the ca-raaaazy god. And Isaac's is the crazy god, too. Mommy has the f-word god."
oy. she said f-word. any naughty word to tallulah is an f-word. i am doing really really really good with not cussing. but the young ones memories are long.
"No. God says I can do whatever I want."
"I don't know what god you are listening to but that's wrong."
"yuh-huh! My god is the ca-raaaazy god. And Isaac's is the crazy god, too. Mommy has the f-word god."
oy. she said f-word. any naughty word to tallulah is an f-word. i am doing really really really good with not cussing. but the young ones memories are long.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
On the way home from Awanas last night Tallou was making this annoying weird humming noise and Isaac asked her to stop because it was scaring him.
"hum hum hum hum hum"
"Tallulah, will you please stop - it's scaring Isaac."
"hum hum hum, Did you ask nicely? hum hum hum"
"Tallulah, please stop making that noise. Please"
"No! MAAAAY you thanksgiving PLEASE *hum hum* stop making that noise Tallulah."
"May you please thanksgiving-"
"It's thanksgiving please" <-----from the mister
She was distracted and stopped before I had a chance to ask her nicely.
"hum hum hum hum hum"
"Tallulah, will you please stop - it's scaring Isaac."
"hum hum hum, Did you ask nicely? hum hum hum"
"Tallulah, please stop making that noise. Please"
"No! MAAAAY you thanksgiving PLEASE *hum hum* stop making that noise Tallulah."
"May you please thanksgiving-"
"It's thanksgiving please" <-----from the mister
She was distracted and stopped before I had a chance to ask her nicely.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Hey Mom
said the boy as we were coming out of the hardware store, "let's go to the hot chicken place and when the man says, 'How are you doing?', you can say, 'I'm doing mean.' Isn't that funny?"
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