Saturday, May 24, 2008

tooth and tattoo

my tooth hurts. i went to the dentist in march? and i had an abscess and a fracture in the root? I don't remember, but the tooth needed to be pulled, bone graft done and then an implant. The dentist would do all the insurance prep first and then call to set up appointment.

I got a call back asking for my health insurance info - the dental insurance wanted to make sure they couldn't pawn off the expense to someone else. Gave that info and dentist lady said she'd give me a call when she knows something.

No call.

Other things have been going on so it slipped my mind. But my tooth started to hurt again. And I want it out. I'll call next week to see what's up. Since I am not pregnant they can knock my ass out to extract the tooth. They originally planned on local only.


The mister HATES tattoos. He really does not like them. He's okay with boychik wearing nail polish but temporary tattoos usually illicit an eye twitch.

I'm thinking, cause I am such a supportive and caring wife, of coming back form San Francisco with a tattoo. Temporary but play it off like a real one. I wonder if a local shop will help me out with my marital subterfuge.

And it would have to be something meaningful to me to play it off. I think he would suspect if I came home with a unicorn making it with a dolphin.


earthmama said...

omg...i am crying i am laughing so hard...i need to go find a play slide to puke in.

Jessica Reid said...

You totally crack me up. Definitely do it. Would he be too suspicious if it was something cheesy like your kids names and or anniversary or something silly like that in a heart or something? Maybe a tatoo of Hathor? LOL