mother-in-law = mil
father-in-law = fil
mil: We (mil & fil) were eating at Red Lobster and we got a call from your Daddy saying that the baby was on almost here. And on our way home we saw a lady pushing your brother in the stroller and Isaac was asleep.
me: (confused) what lady was pushing Isaac?
mil: Pat was.
me: (still confused) oh, but when did Jeff call?
mil: He called while we were at the restaurant and when we drove home we saw Pat and Isaac.
me: (still confused because Jeff did not call his mom and when Pat & Isaac were walking it was after 11 PM at night). But Jeff didn't call because you called our house and heard me in labor. And it was late when Pat got to our home.
mil: (she said something)
me: so you were stalking again?
mil: no, no, a prayer drive-by.
me: ok, so stalking?
I got this look from Jeff - he was amused but asked me to drop it.
In December of last year she was doing another 'prayer drive-by' and was pulled over for speeding. No ticket though.